The Poem Composing Tree at the Summer Tea 2022 in Prospect Park brought many into the beautiful space to write down our joined experiences of the day. The poems displayed under the tree were collected from our Community Poetry and Tea events at various community green spaces throughout the city, during the year, and inspired everyone to write their own. The poems you see here are a few of the many written under the green branches of the tree.
- Robin Lampman
I live for today
in the Poem Composing Tree
happy as a lark.
- Robin Lampman
at Prospect Park
Ugly things here and there.
They say we’re against each other.
With love, I see my village.
- Eleanor Lee
at Prospect Park
Light filtering through the leaves.
Is it a bee, a bird,
or the sound of singing tea?
I sit in the shade, grieving, sipping, healing.
- Jorge Torres
at Prospect Park
Luca Lee clears tea cups
under the poetry tree.
Writers whisper smiles.
- Heather Sanderson
at Prospect Park
So we leave nothing
but poems waving in the wind
and a happy day of tea.
- Lupe Lucero
at Prospect Park
The cascading leaves
in the Prospect Park Wilderness
leave a sense of peace.
Under reaching branches
hugged by hundreds of years of green
A respite from the city.
- Minnelli Byrne
at Prospect Park
Wonderful feeling
Exactly as it should be
Become friends through tea
-Erika Houle
at Prospect Park
A fortress of green
Birds serenading the air
Nature’s ballad plays on.
- Andy Soto
at Propect Park
Beautiful stranger
I just met you, new friend.
Let’s drink tea with love.
- Enmy Uribe
at Prospect Park