Celebrate the moment with Poetry and Tea. Explore that beauty with the linguistically, culturally, and economically diverse communities around us. Both poetry and tea give us quiet, thoughtful time to return to ourselves and to the mysteries of the universe. Both can help free us from the fear of disaster and help us live through turbulent times. Please enjoy those poems we wrote in the past year and hope to see you at one of our Poetry and Tea events!

Yes, disaster looms.
Still we’ll share a cup of tea.
Beginning, middle, end.
-by Robin Lampman

The storm comes near.
Cicadas sing through the rain.
Three weeks of life.
-by Wenting Zhang

Sun rays flood the floor.
Energy ripples gently.
The day has begun.
-by Nawaf Nooruddin

Five times I went there.
Flowers to high to reach.
Nothing is lost here.
-by Eduard Bogaslavsky