Autumn was, as autumn always is, the perfect season for poetry. At the Tea Leaf Reading in Hill Street Garde we read our fortunes in our cups of tea, and, yes, wrote poetry. We went home rain soaked but happy whether or not our fortunes were ill fated. At the Autumn Tea In Fort Greene Park we read death poems by Zen monks and haiku poets, shared tea beneath a giant, gnarled tree, and shared the comfort of the falling leaves. At the park and in the garden nature reminded us that we are a part of her. Here are just a few of the many autumn compositions from participants.
- Robin Lampman
Following the smell of tea in the rain
my fortune unfolds like tea leaves in my cup.
I see an ancient owl
saying what is old is new again.
I see a small shelter
and know
that wherever I go on my journey
my heart will always have a home.
- Rosa Sanchez
at Hill St Community Garden
In the midst of storm
the sound of silence rings true.
What is lost is found.
- Cheryl Iliadi
at Autumn Tea in Fort Greene Park
In my cup
I look deep into the golden water
where the smaller becomes larger
and the larger becomes smaller.
I embrace what settles on the sides
and welcome
what rises in the air.
- Marissa Tornello
at Hill St Community Garden
- DB
at Autumn Tea in Fort Greene Park