Tea Circles at Summer Tea 2019, by Sara Shacket

Tea Circles at Summer Tea 2019, by Sara Shacket

Tea Circles at Summer Tea 2019, by Scott Norton

Tea Circles at Summer Tea 2019, by Scott Norton


Community Tea Circles

Get your cup ready and fill them up with all the brews and the spirits of tea! Sharing what we appreciate in tea is one of our biggest joys in life. Let it be the flavor, the tranquility of time, the moments of connection, the sparks of life, or whatever else you discover.

12pm - 5pm

Ice Tea Table

2pm - 3pm

Gongfu Tea Ceremony with Ken Lo from Chrysanthemum Tea

1pm - 5pm

2021 Green Tea Tasting with Roy Lamberty from New York Tea Society

You will have plenty of chances to taste various wholesome teas throughout the event.

We are super grateful for the support we get from the community. Special thanks to Sara Shacket and Joyce Miao to help out with tea serving during Community Tea Circles.